Tuesday, September 17, 2024

2024 - General Election

In a certain way,  Donald J. Trump is the most honest American politician of today.   As he reaffirmed for the umpteenth time in the Trump/Harris debate, he recognizes only his own voice as the standard of veracity. You might recall that the Communist Party of the USSR did much the same - and ironically named their news service  Pravda (ie "truth") - possibly inspiring the name Trump gave to his social network.   You either play along with this alternative reality or you don’t ( in which case there may be consequences).  So of course Trump can never acknowledge that he lost in 2020. That would abandon the entire game - and in a flash, all the super-patriots would be unmasked as an assortment of delusional fools, ultra-cynics, grifters, haters,  wealthy opportunists -  or maybe just those who want to be entertained  (which might actually be MAGA's majority).  So many ways to be deplorable.  And what a sad revelation  - especially for a Republican Party now purged of its honorable leaders.  Even worse for so many organizations who claim to proselytize the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. 

Likewise, we have this astonishing quote last week from his running mate, Ohio senator Vance:

"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana, because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast.”  


Not that such fabrication  is unusual.  Dishonest advertising drives much of the world's modern economy.  But for promoters to be so candid about lying while they’re doing it - yes, that is remarkable.

Whatever the results of this election, it’s hard to imagine what American politics will be like afterwards.


Regarding Kamala Harris : tough, smart, cheerful, practical, ambitious. Not really a dreamer or great orator like Obama.  Not really experienced in advancing legislation like Biden. But then - also not toxically self-centered like Bill Clinton.  

As POTUS, she may indeed turn out to be as ineffective and frustrating as all the quarterbacks for the Chicago Bears over the past fifty years.

But I am rock-solid certain that if she loses re-election in 2028, she will definitely not ask Tim Walz to de-certify the ballot count as she incites a riot on Capitol Hill.

So now you might well call me a yellow dog Democrat - at least for this election.


No social programs are really at stake in this cycle.   Obamacare is a done deal and we won’t see universal Medicare coming up in the next four years.  Eventually corporations and wealthy individuals will have to be be taxed at much higher rates - but that is not a pressing issue right now.

The pressing issue is whether one-man rule metastasizes from the Republican Party and overruns the entire judicial and legislative branches of American government - as it has in so many countries worldwide. It would have been unthinkable just eight years ago - but here we are at the brink with 48% of the voting public eager or at least willing to have it happen.



None of the other races are worth talking about - mostly because the Republican Party has so thoroughly befouled itself, none of its candidates deserve consideration - especially while Trump is at the top of the ballot.


There is also a non-binding referendum on whether the state of Illinois should adopt an independent citizens commission for the federal and state redistricting process.

My answer is yes - but only for state offices. Federal gerrymandering should only be addressed by federal law.  So I will have to vote down this proposal.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2024 Primary


Tara Stamps (photo: Chicago Tribune)
Incumbent Commissioner
(That’s her patron, the board President, standing behind her)

Democratic Ballot


1 Joseph R Biden Jr

 2 Dean Phillips

 3 Marianne Williamson

 4 Frank "Frankie" Lozad


I didn’t even know that Biden had any challengers -

and I’m not motivated to look at their websites.

I doubt he ever sought it out - but Joe Biden has been given the job of standing up for democracy, and America as one nation - indivisible -  with liberty and justice for all.

He is the American political hero of our time.   He is the anti-Trump.

Like the world of  Bizarro Superman - everything about MAGA is the precise inverse of what it proclaims.  Patriotic ?  Only for the Confederacy.  Christian ?   Only for the death wish of  eschatology.





U.S. Representative, 7th District Representante 

 11 Melissa Conyears-Ervin 

12 Danny K. Davis  (incumbent)

 13 Kouri Marshall 

14 Nikhil Bhatia 

15 Kina Collins 

Old Danny is likely to win — and that’s Ok with me.

But since I’d like his successor to be more pragmatic than ideological, I’ll vote for Melissa instead of Kina.  Nothing distinguishes the other candidates.

Broadsides like this usually travel directly from the mailbox to the trash can.  

But these allegations are worth researching - to learn more about either the challengers or the incumbent. I really hope he’s not  a liar.



Metropolitan Water Reclamation District CommissionersFull 6-Year Term



  Vote for not more than Three 

 81 Sharon Waller

 82 Kari K. Steele

 83 Marcelino Garcia

 84 Daniel "Pogo" Pogorzelski

For the one candidate who would be eliminated,  I’ll make this a race between the two self proclaimed water experts.

Waller actually shows us her credentials - Steele does not.



 State's Attorney vote for One / 

93 Clayton Harris III 

94 Eileen O'Neill Burke

 There’s a bit more urgency about Burke’s campaign.  Public safety is a concern that I share.  Stores getting plundered, cars getting hijacked, people attacked on L-trains. Burke wants to go back to prosecuting  thefts over $300 (current policy is $1000).  Harris,among other things,  wants to "engage in deflection, diversion, and restorative justice programs and practices so that our county can move away from overreliance on mass incarceration of Black and Brown communities." 


 County Commissioner, 1st District Unexpired 2-Year Term  Vote for One / 

 101 Tara Stamps

 102 Zerlina A. Smith

As shown at the top, Stamps looks like she’d fun to meet. But as the hand picked incumbent, she is less likely to be an independent voice.


Sadly , our State senator and representative are both running unopposed - and will probably do so until they die or retire.  

And that's why we need a functional two party system.


Board of Review - Third district

Tucker challenging Rogers on ethics issues —- I’m picking Tucker

***********. Judges ***********

State Supreme Court:  Reyes vs Cunningham

Based on their WTTW interviews — I’m picking Reyes. — though, I admit —— I cannot justify it, other than the fact that Cunningham was appointed to fill a vacancy, so she would be less independent.

(other judges as determined by data on VoteForJudges.com

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Forest Park Village - April 2023



This election does not have the polarization we had back when Mayor Calderone was facing off against his vociferous opponents and two opposing slates of candidates ran for commissioner.  And the development of Altenheim is not as nearly divisive  as the Roos property.  Every candidate wants green space - the primary constraint being that the state funds to demolish the old buildings require some commercial development.

So it’s just that a few more people want to be involved in Forest Park government than there are  positions needing to be filled.

BTW — regarding Altenheim, I’d like it’s meadows continue to be used for a Summer Shakespeare festival.   Last summer’s production was really entertaining.  I’d also like a garden of plants interspersed with pedestals supporting  figurative sculpture.  But I realize I may be a minority of one.


I rely on the Forest Park Review to be introduced to the candidates  and they have submitted questionaires to each of them.

BTW - when David Orr was Cook County Clerk, voters could expect the Board of Elections to publish a sample ballot online -- as well as informational links to those candidates who submitted information.

This year, I didn't know what was on my ballot until I received one in the mail two weeks before the election.

I sure hope someone runs against Karen Yarborough when the county clerk's office is again up for election.





John  Doss

Rory Hoskins

Among the differences: Hoskins wants to the Village to buy the Army Reserve site, Doss does not. 

Hoskins wants to make sure that acres of the Altenheim site are left green - Doss calls for as much green as possible across all vacant properties in the village. Hoskins reports that Altenheim Advisory Committee has had a series of open meetings to discuss this issue, Doss wants there to be open meetings. ( so how "open" the meetings have been appears to be an issue) 

Doss proclaims  that " Until every citizen is an owner, planner, and decision-maker in the systems that govern their lives and are provided the infrastructure needed to thrive, we will always have work to do."

But personally, I don't want to have to get up to speed on every issue -- I just want smart, honest, visionary,  hard working  public servants to make the call.

I'd also like a mayor who shows evidence of some kind of higher education - either in the resume or by how he/she talks.  With an entire working life spent in our park district, it just does not appear that Doss qualifies - and I cannot find a website for him that might prove otherwise. I'm not comfortable with him hiring his own son to a full time job in the park district - and then excusing it because it was "not corrupt".  I also don’t care for his self-centered explanation for why he’s running: “It’s always been something I wanted to do, since I started my career for the village ….  “I want a seat at the table, I want to help things here, and I’m excited at the opportunity.”    

So given the evidence at hand -- I'm voting for Hoskins, the incumbent - though I do have some reservations.

He was quite brief in answering the question about transparency in the property acquisition  process. 

And we have testimony from a frustrated retiring commissioner, Joe Byrnes,  that he did not give  commissioners enough time to examine the documents relevant to the decisions they were required to make.

Apparently there's a majority among the commissioners who let him get away with that --  and a rubber stamp board of directors is never good  in any organization.

So though I will vote for Hoskins, I hope to vote for commissioners who are more likely to be independent -- if I can make that determination.

Here is side one of the John Doss flyer.

I figured it was the Hoskins campaign telling me what evil forces really were behind his opponent.

But then, side  two had a photo of lots of happy neighbors celebrating their champion.

Hah!  very clever - very cute - very heart warming.

Except that ------ you’ve got to really hunt for the black or brown faces in this crowd.

The Doss constituency is not very diverse.

The Doss campaign could have have hired a few non-white shills to pose for the picture (like I'm sure the Vallas campaign is doing in Chicago). It's to their credit that they didn't. But still -- this flyer has a divisive message even if not intended.

On the other hand …

Here is a Hoskins flyer proudly proclaiming 
how many area politicians have endorsed him.

Why should we care whether the mayor of Forest Park has been endorsed by our congressman, governor, county clerk, union leaders, and mayors of nearby villages?
Isn’t the mayor supposed to serve the people of Forest Park?
(Note: thank goodness he was not endorsed by Chris Welch!)

All candidates should remove me from their mailing lists.  Their flyers usually persuade me to vote for their opponent.



Forest Park Commissioner -  vote for four

Michelle Melin-Rogovin - no government experience, not for profit fundraiser

Maria A. Maxham  - writer for the Review - incumbent -

Jessica Voogd   incumbent

Ryan C. Nero  incumbent

Joseph 'Joe' Landgrebe  - real estate broker - no gov't  experience - suggests that zoning may be better than owning

Ryan R. Russ - no gov't experience, no college degree- short answers

Russ is only one who seems under qualified — and I can’t really decide among the others. Might stick with incumbents since they appear up-to-speed on the issues — and then add Melvin-Rogovin since she seems a bit more thoughtful than Landgrebe.


Proviso District 209

There are three open seats for the D209 board - and only three of eight candidates returned their questionnaire to the Forest Park Review.

Perhaps the other five had good excuses for their absence — but this is about running a school and excuses are not acceptable.

(Postscript: the March 15 printed edition of the Review had responses from other candidates, but I had already mailed un my ballot.  Curiously, the newly listed candidates were asked much different questions)

All three are strongly opposed to the current superintendent, Dr. James Henderson.

I don’t know both sides of the story - but I will vote for the three who answered the questionnaire.

John Kubricht

David Ocampo

Sandra Joseph-Hixson

Sunday, October 2, 2022

2022 - General Election November




The Republican Party has so badly debased itself in the Trump years, it will be a while before I will consider any of their candidates suitable for public office.

*** However***

As our Speaker of the House, Chris Welch, has reminded us by recently helping his wife become a judge, his sense of public duty has not grown along with his power.

His opponent in this race, however, is an official with Living Word, our  local prosperity ministry - with the standard "parents' rights"  playbook.

When it comes time to vote, I will choose one of them -- but only as my pen touches the paper.

State Representative, 7th Representative District 2 Year Term Vote For 1 

Emanuel 'Chris' Welch Democratic 41 

Eddie L. Kornegay, Jr. Republican 42 


All that's left are these two referenda.





Referendum for November 8, 2022 - Gubernatorial General Election Proposed Amendment to the Illinois Constitution PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE 1970 ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENT The proposed amendment would add a new section to the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution that would guarantee workers the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively and to negotiate wages, hours, and working conditions, and to promote their economic welfare and safety at work. The new amendment would also prohibit from being passed any new law that interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively over their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and workplace safety. At the general election to be held on November 8, 2022, you will be called upon to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution. For the proposed addition of Section 25 to Article I of the Illinois Constitution. Forest Preserve District, Increase Limiting Rate 


 I would certainly like to see all the corporate wage slaves - franchise food workers, for example - get living wages -- but I'm not too keen on expanding the power of the public service unions (police, teachers, etc)

So I am voting this one down.

Addendum:  it has to incurred to me that the anti-amendment campaign is funded by the same wealthy individuals whose deceptive advertising recently killed proportional income tax rates in Illinois.

But the pro-amendment websites do not address the concerns which have been raised.  Other than prohibiting right-to-week laws, they do not specify what else the amendment would accomplish.

If there were an amendment to prohibit right to-work, I would vote for it.

But this amendment seems both broader and hazier.


FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS - CLEAN AIR, CLEAN WATER, AND WILDLIFE HABITAT PROTECTION ONE-YEAR LIMITING RATE INCREASE ?Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois, be increased by an additional amount equal to 0.025% above the limiting rate for levy year 2020 for the purposes of conserving and restoring land to good health, protecting the water quality of rivers, lakes, and streams, providing natural flood water storage, protecting wildlife habitat, protecting forests to improve air quality, improving and maintaining existing forest preserves and trails of said District, and other lawful purposes of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, with public disclosure of expenditures, and be equal to 0.076% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for levy year 2022??(1)The approximate amount of taxes extendable at the most recently extended limiting rate is $88,665,270 and the approximate amount of taxes extendable if the proposition is approved is $132,128,637. (2) For the 2022 levy year the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single-family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $8.06.(3)If the proposition is approved, the aggregate extension for 2022 will be determined by the limiting rate set forth in the proposition, rather than the otherwise applicable limiting rate calculated under the provisions of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (commonly known as the Property Tax Cap Law). 


 I couldn't find any arguments against this - so  it boils down to whether I'm willing to pay more taxes for the Forest Preserves or not.

I love them -- so the answer is Yes.


 regarding the judges:

Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District  ---  apparently all six candidates are  well qualified -  and having no additional  information -  I won't vote on this one

for retention:  Ann Collins and Dan Pierce are thumbs down.

Thursday, June 23, 2022




The rise of lawlessness in our area - a shooting rate 5x that of NYC - needs to be addressed - but it’s so hard to distinguish rhetoric from problem solving - while the law-and-order party continues to exemplify the opposite with great enthusiasm.

Lots of  one-candidate races in this Democratic primary - none of which are listed below

How I wish that some  well-informed blogger would write about those who actually do face competition.

I feel like I'm shooting in the dark to pick amongst them - but here goes -- despite my ignorance:



Governor and Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois
4  Year Term Vote For 1

JB Pritzker & Juliana Stratton
Beverly Miles & Karla Shaw

Not believing in plutocracy, I'm usually inclined to vote for the under-funded candidate instead of the billionaire.

But Miles has ZERO on her campaign website about issues.  It's all resume.
Pritzker, on the other hand, goes on extensively about what he's done or wants to do.
I'll vote for the billionaire.


Secretary of State, State of Illinois
4 Year Term Vote For 1

Alexi Giannoulias
David H. Moore
Anna M. Valencia
Sidney Moore

 Here's the first head scratcher. 
Valencia's husband is a political lobbyist - so it makes little sense to vote for the two of them.
The two Moores look like real long shots: no major endorsements, no experience running large organizations.
I'm still angry at Giannoulias for losing his senate race  - but I'll give him another chance. He looks to me like a goof from a wealthy family who wants to play politics.  But Barack likes him -- so he can't be all that bad.


U.S. Representative, 7th Congressional District
2 Year Term Vote For 1

Kina Collins

Danny K. Davis

Denarvis C. Mendenhall

Mendenhall doesn’t  even have a website.
Davis has one - but there’s nothing about what he wants to accomplish —only the rather mundane things he has done —- the votes in Congress and the committees to which he has been assigned.
Kina Collins is all about helping the poor - which I do not believe is entirely synonymous with advancing the country and humanity.
But I’ll vote for her anyway — at least she’s got some energy

Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
6 Year Term Vote For 3

Mariyana T. Spyropoulos———— pick by Sierra Club (incumbent,  ,attorney)

(She got the most votes _ probably because her name was listed first - actually the first three names on the ballot all got the most votes and were elected to the position.     Sad.  )

Yumeka Brown

Patricia Theresa Flynn

Frank Avila

Rick Garcia

Cristina P. Nonato

Precious W. Brady-Davis………. Pick by Sierra Club

Sharon Waller…………. Pick by Sierra Club

Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
2 Year Term (Unexpired Term)Vote For 1

Daniel "Pogo" Pogorzelski

Elizabeth Joyce (no website - no nothing)

Chakena D. Perry (incumbent, appointed by Pritzker)

….. I’ll pick Sharon Waller because she’s a water management professional.  The rest are politicians and I really can’t tell the difference between them

Board President, Cook County
4 Year Term Vote For 1
Toni Preckwinkle
Richard R. Boykin
Preckwinkle is honest and distinguished - and 75 years old - and not especially focused on the growing lawlessness in our area.
Boykin's website is devoted to public safety - but is it any more than hot air ?
 This one's a toss up for me.

Sheriff, Cook County
4 Year Term Vote For 1

Thomas J. Dart 
Noland Rivera- ran military prison in Iraq

Carmen Navarro Gercone- has a plan-- but has yet to post it (a week prior to election)

LaTonya Ruffin- website is vaccuous

Dart has held the job for over 15 years  - none of the incumbents convince me that he needs to go

Assessor, Cook County
4 Year Term Vote For 1

Fritz Kaegi

Kari K. Steele

It sounds like Kaegi’s assessments have aroused the commercial development  industry.  
That’s OK - I’ll vote for him again.


Even though I’m not in her judicial district, I just received the above flyer on behalf of Shawnte Raines-Welch - the wife of Chris Welch, the Speaker of the House and the representative of my district.

Welch claims that she’s a great attorney even if she is his wife — and it’s good that he supports his mate - given his history of domestic abuse.

But were legal qualifications really the reason that 500k was donated to the wife of the speaker of the house?

Chris Welch is running unopposed in this primary - and he may never face a serious opponent again. 

This is why I cannot call myself a Democrat - even if I do vote  in their primary.

Note:  I just discovered injusticewatch.org which is a serious upgrade to voteforjudges since it includes controversies and donations.  I’ll be using it from here on out.

(results: Raines-Welch won by under 2000 votes  out of 318,000 ballots cast -- most of the difference coming from Proviso Township where her husband was chair of the school board for many years)


Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Russell "Russ" Hartigan
Dominique C. Ross——- no
Debra B. Walker——— yes
Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Raymond W. Mitchell——- yes
Devlin Joseph Schoop——- no
John H. Ehrlich

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Howard B. Brookins, Jr……yes
Ubi O. O'Neal….. no!!!!!
Lisa Michelle Taylor

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Diana López……. Yes
Monica G. Somerville
Mable Taylor

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Thomas E. Nowinski……. Yes
Carmen Migdalia Quinones

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Elizabeth "Beth" Ryan…… yes
Yolanda Harris Sayre

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Rena Marie Van Tine…… yes
Wende Williams

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Deidre Baumann
Paul Joyce……. Yes
Michael Weaver

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Ruth Isabel Gudino……. Yes
Chelsey Renece Robinson

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Araceli R. De La Cruz….. yes
Jacqueline Marie Griffin
Dan Balanoff

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Thomas More Donnelly….. yes
Claudia Silva-Hernandez
Meridth Vanae Hammer

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Mary Bernadette McMahon
Suzanne Therese McEneely
Tracie Porter……… yes7

Judge, 7th Cook County Subcircuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Marcia O'Brien Conway….. yes
Owens "Joe" Shelby

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Local Boards - April 6 2021


2 Year Term,(Unexpired Term), Vote For 1

Lisa Bickel  (incumbent)
Carolyn R. Wilhight
Norma Hernandez

6 Year Term, Vote For 2

Tracy Jennings
 Luke Casson  (incumbent)
Mark R. Stephens  (incumbent - board chair since 1992)
Andrew Charles Kopinski


There were several more board positions up for election here -- but all  the other positions were uncontested - which reminds us that these are mostly thankless,  unpaid  jobs. (unless you're a crook)

The Activist Tool Kit offers a helpful website for knowing local candidates -  located here

Regretfully,  however,  only two candidates,    Carolyn Wilhight and Norma Hernandez, responded to the probing questions  - and they are running against each other.

So far, the only political mailer that I have received was from  Ms. Hernandez.  Everything about her looks good:  she's a social worker, a graduate from Triton, and might represent the Hispanic community out here which provides 45% of the student body.

However -- she accuses the current board of corruption - while offering no specifics, much less corroborating evidence - in the flyer - on her  website -  or in response to my query by email.  

The  Wednesday Journal presents another candidate profile and questionnaire  located here   to which all of the  candidates replied. (except for Andrew Charles Kopinski - so why is he running ??)

Here is an interesting investigation of Mark Stephens from 15 years ago.  The son of the long time mayor of Rosemont, at that time his business had the contract to clean Rosemont's Allstate Arena. He has raised and  spent significant sums on  his political campaigns to be on the board.  Public education may be more of a business than a public service for him.

So I'd be inclined to end his dynasty and vote against the incumbents.   The problem is that Kopinski refuses to communicate while Hernandez communicates rather poorly and seems more interested in ethnic politics than in education. 

And speaking of education — both of the questionnaires cited above treat higher education as if it were a public utility like water or gas or garbage collection. And none of the respondents objected to that.

Are Triton’s graduates well prepared for whatever career they are aiming for?  Are they well prepared for a lifelong engagement with ideas?  Which Triton departments are the best?  Which need to play catch up?  What can administration do to help?  

Just because someone does not have the finances or high school grades to attend four-year universities -- does than mean that the quality of their education at a community college is superfluous?

My good friend, former director of Physical Therapy at the county hospital,  got an Associates Degree from De Anza community college in California  - and more recently took several computer, medical billing, Spanish, and Government classes at Triton. Mostly he calls Triton a joke in comparison.  

I'm not inspired to vote for anyone here -- so I'll stick with incumbents.  At least they have kept the place open and scandal free.

But then I saw this sign at the corner of Madison and Harlem.  Apparently the three incumbents are running as a team -no doubt funded by the Chairman of the Board, Stephens - who wants to remain the chair for another six years - and who probably selected the two other candidates to be his side  kicks.

No - I will not vote for any of  them -- which is basically just to vote for him.

I will vote for challengers in the hope that at least one of them will provide an independent voice and  critical eye on the board. 


The results are in:  Lisa Bickel squeaked out a 300 vote victory over Norma Hernandez -- while  Tracy Jennings overwhelmed  both Mark Stephens and Luke Casson -- probably because her name was first on the  ballot.  Stephens beat  out Casson by 230 votes,  so his dynasty will continue.


Friday, September 25, 2020

2020 November General Election


Joseph R. Biden & Kamala D. Harris Democratic
Donald J. Trump & Michael R. Pence Republican
Howie Hawkins & Angela Walker Green Party
Gloria La Riva & Leonard PeltierParty for Socialism and Liberation
Brian Carroll & Amar PatelAmerican Solidarity Party
Jo Jorgensen & Jeremy 'Spike' Cohen Libertarian

Why will at least 4 in  10 American voters still vote for DJT after all that's happened over his past four years as President?   I suppose that's the question that scholars of American history will be trying to sort out for decades to come.  Most devastating has been his head-in-the-sand response to the global  pandemic.  Perhaps the severe measures taken in China would not have been possible in America.  But still -- much more national effort could have been made to secure masks and testing kits - instead of leaving each state to fend for itself in competition with all the others. And what about at least encouraging - instead of resisting - wearing masks, social distancing, and  the business closures that are economically painful up front, but less expensive in the long run.  Trump's response to the pandemic is no less short sighted than his - and the entire Republican Party's - response to global warming - whose ever growing effects will eventually make the pandemic seem like a brief case of sniffles. 

Then there's his illegal suspension of financial assistance to an  East European country trying to defend itself from the same predatory neighbor that has - and  continues - to manipulate social media  on behalf of DJT's  candidacy. His impeachment was justified by the evidence --  his  acquittal  was achieved by that political death which every Republican office holder fears from that 4-in-10 electorate.  And let's not forget his off-the-cuff assassination of a foreign military/political leader - and the criminal convictions of so many of his advisors, - including personal attorney and campaign managers. 

The above issues are not especially ideological - by any notion of what might be called liberal or conservative.  They're just about serious, rational, and honest public  policy -- and apparently 4 in 10 Americans do not care one way or the other.  A pervasive sense of angry alienation seems to be what they need to express.  The worse Trump does -- the better he expresses it - and there does not  appear to be any bottom to it. 

Or perhaps it's  more accurate to say that there is one ideological issue that does encompass all the others: American national sovereignty - as  it has been  attacked by a variety of opponents foreign and domestic - in an attempt to render it dysfunctional:

*The Russian regime in its quest to restore a lost empire
*American businesses that want to weaken regulation
*Southern nationalists who still resent the Civil Rights Era
*Evangelicals who resist secular, non-patriarchal values
*Federalist ideologues who want a weak central government  (there's not very many of them
but they now have firm control of the supreme court)

Amplifying these interests is the decline of professional journalism and the rise of social platforms like Twitter and Facebook.  The one tries to be  objective (or, at least it once  pretended to) - the other shamelessly proliferates misinformation targeted at its audience.  And I  don't see how this situation will  improve  until major  newspapers return to the discredited ideals  taught in  journalism schools.

And giving this ideology a convenient target is the dysfunctional political philosophy of an academic left that calls for eliminating national borders, defunding police, and abolishing  prisons. (I just saw the documentary "Time").  

Trump is an awful person - but this election is not really about him.  Why would any marginal party run a candidate that might draw even one vote away from the candidate who has the best chance to end this national debacle ?  The Green, Socialist,  Solidarity, and Libertarian parties - as well as the Republicans -  have all disqualified themselves as responsible leaders.

There are several national Democratic leaders with whom I  mostly disagree  and I am not impressed by most of its local, self-serving  office holders.   But I'll be voting straight Democratic for the foreseeable future -  beginning with all the other contests on this ballot.  Now is the time for public minded Republicans to stand up and distance themselves from their party.  And mostly they have miserably failed that test.


.And one more thing! Looking into Biden's senatorial past - with the enormous advantage of hindsight - his record does appear quite mixed and sometimes incomprehensible.  Why would anyone vote for the invasion of Iraq and then vote against the surge in troops to make it less a failure?

But this seems to be the moment in his life - coming not far from the end - when he really can make an important contribution to American life - and probably he feels the same way.  He is Gary Cooper at High Noon up against the notorious Miller Gang. (no relation).  That's why he won't back out of the debates - as ridiculous as they are.  He wants to be a champion - our champion.

I won't discuss any of the other contests. Only Democratic candidates will  get my vote this time.  I won't even vote Green for the Metropolitan Sanitary District - and probably never will again. 

But I will say a word about the following:

PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION QUESTION Explanation of Amendment: The proposed amendment grants the State authority to impose higher income tax rates on higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majority of other states do it. The amendment would remove the portion of the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution that is sometimes referred to as the "flat tax," that requires all taxes on income to be at the same rate. The amendment does not itself change tax rates. It gives the State the ability to impose higher tax rates on those with higher income levels and lower income tax rates on those with middle or lower income levels. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution. For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution.

I was a bit surprised about the Illinois flat tax 
when I first moved here 45 years ago.
Finally changing it is a  good idea. 

Two percent of a poor man's income
 is way more significant to him
than 2% is to the wealthy man,
and many people, like me 45 years ago,
make just enough to survive.

What's curious to me, however,
is the blatantly dishonest campaign run against it,
asserting, as it does,
that the Amendment will necessarily raise the taxes
on low to middle income people.

My wife, poor dear,
concluded that there must be 
two tax amendments on the ballot,
one that made taxes more fair,
and the other that raised everyone's taxes.

It appears that our current President
has made the habit of outrageous lying
even more pervasive and shameless.



Is the Trump era over now?

48% of the votes cast went for him,
despite the epidemic, despite the crashed economy, despite the impeachment.
Those people aren't going away -
they'll  still  be living outside the great cities
and mad as hell that the world is changing.

And who knows, maybe Trump will run  again in  four years.

But still, it's a relief  that he will be out of office on January 20, 2021.
Not so much that he  might do something crazy- 
the only energy he has is for self promotion - 
but that he will continue to be useless regarding the pandemic
or any other national emergency that might  arise.
He's a clown - not a tyrant.
He's a PT Barnum - not a wanna be Hitler, Stalin, or Mao.

Will Illinois ever have a graduated income tax?

It's hard to believe how many people voted against Trump,
but also voted against a graduated  income tax.
Lying works in politics,
and big lies work even better.