Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Nov 2014

Senator, U.S.

6 Year Term, Vote For 1

Richard J. Durbin

Governor and Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Pat Quinn

Small business owner that I am, I do believe that most social functions should  be run by fellow business people or do-gooders .  But I also know that business people  are fundamentally self centered-- and elected government is the only platform where public interest can possibly (though not necessarily)  be prioritized. 

So it makes no more sense to elect professional businessmen to high public office - than it does to have politicians run factories, hospitals,  shopping centers, or schools.

And Bruce Rauner's career in finance has been egregiously self centered - milking businesses for their profits with no notable concern for anything or anyone else.  I'm not saying that he should be hung from a lamp post - but it's crazy to believe that he will suddenly become public minded after a lifetime of  predatory financial practice.

Quinn seems to be far more notable for his decency and honesty than for creative imagination or charismatic presence-- but then he has been stuck with the role of downsizing state government to fit within a diminished budget.  And his opponents have yet to propose how they would  do  things differently.


Representative, 7th District

2 Year Term, Vote For 1

Danny K Davis

Not that I would necessarily vote for him -- but couldn't the Republican party field a candidate serious enough to have a website and accept an interview with the Chicago Tribune, a Republican newspaper ?

I guess it's all about winning for them -- so if chances are slim, they will do absolutely nothing.

Is Robert L. Bumpers really an adult human ?  Perhaps he's a rabbit in the Lincoln Park Petting Zoo.

Attorney General, State of Illinois

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

I'm going to sit one out -- since it continues to make zero sense to have an Attorney General who is the child of the state's most powerful politician.

And I will not vote for a lock-step,  red-state Republican or a Libertarian -- two varieties of the same  delusional ideology.

Illinois Secretary of State

Jesse White Democratic

Apparently White has done nothing wrong in his long public career -- or, at least his opponent has nothing to complain about other than his longevity and party affiliation.

Which would also suggest that his opponent is a cipher.


Comptroller, State of Illinois

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Sheila Simon, Democrat

The Republican party badly needs more moderates like Topinka - but the arc of her career has long passed.

On the other hand, the Democratic party badly needs less crooks - and I would like to see Simon go further in politics. 



Treasurer, State of Illinois

Michael Frerichs , Democratic

I wasn't intending to necessarily vote straight Democratic - but his website had lots about things he would do different -- while all that his opponent listed were endorsements.



State Representative, 7th District

2 Year Term, Vote For 1

And indeed, here is a case where I would vote for anyone other than the Democratic incumbent.

Chris Welch represents the very worst in political self service - and now appears to have lifetime job security as an Illinois state representative.

Is he still up to same old mischief of misusing his office to reward allies and contributors  ?

It's impossible to tell without opponents to raise such issues.

Are there any more rabbits in the petting zoo who might run as a Republican opponent ?

I would vote for any one of them.

President Cook County Board

Toni Preckwinkle   Democratic

Here's an unopposed incumbent who would probably get my vote regardless of who ran against her.

Cook County Clerk

David Orr

Same thing with David Orr, who pioneered the election website from which this information was drawn




Sheriff, Cook County etc etc etc

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

All of these unopposed races are getting a bit depressing.

Shouldn't the two political parties  believe in the two-party system ?   And if they do --  shouldn't they always try to field a candidate -- at the very least to air some of the issues ?



Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, MWRD

6 Year Term, Vote For 3

As usual, I'm voting a straight Green Party ticket on this one,
though I wish all three were as articulate as Milkowski in addressing various issues

George Milkowski
Karen Roothaan
Michael Smith


All of the contestable positions offer only one candidate.

No one dares challenge whoever is slated by the Democratic party.



Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Various lawyer associations tell us to vote "NO" on these:

Laura Marie Sullivan
Annie O’Donnell
James L. Rhodes



As noted in the primary - the first two referenda seem pointless to me - and worthy of being ignored.

The next five referenda are a non-binding opinion poll - with a rather liberal and populist bent.

They are also worthy of being ignored -- but what the heck -- I'm a liberal populist so why not enjoy a brief  fling of fantasy while Republicans are poised to take both houses of  the U.S. Congress:

Statewide, Minimum Wage Shall the minimum wage in Illinois for adults over the age of 18 be raised to $10 per hour by January 1, 2015?


Statewide, Women's Health Shall any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides prescription drug coverage be required to include prescription birth control coverage as part of that coverage?


Statewide, Millionaire's Tax Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to require that each school district receive additional revenue, based on their number of students, from an additional 3% tax on income greater than one million dollars?

yes - though I'm sure that anyone making that much money will be able to avoid it.

Countywide, Mental Health Services Shall the General Assembly of the State of Illinois appropriate additional funds to provide necessary mental health services for the people of the State of Illinois?

no --  because I'm just not sure that it would help anyone other than the service providers.

Countywide, Universal Background Checks Shall the Illinois General Assembly enact the Illinois Public Safety Act (Senate Bill 3659) which would require universal background checks for firearm transfers and prohibit the sale and transfer of assault weapons, assault weapon attachments and high capacity ammunition magazines?

yes - but it's sad that is the only kind of gun control left to us. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

2014 - March 18


Thomas J. Dart
Tadeusz 'Ted' Palka
Sylvester E. Baker, Jr.
William 'Bill' Evans

This appears to be a contest between an attorney/politician (Dart - the incumbent) versus three law enforcement professionals - none of whom seem to be all that bright.

No one has questioned Dart's integrity or effectiveness -- so I'll stick with him.

Governor and Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois

Tio Hardiman ; Brunell Donald
Pat Quinn & Paul Vallas

Hardiman appears to be a joke candidate - and I've always liked Quinn as an honest advocate of the public interest

Commissioner, Cook County Board, 1st District

Brenda Smith Democratic
Blake Sercye Democratic
Isaac 'Ike' Carothers
Richard R. Boykin
Ronald Lawless

Sercye is the Preckwinkle's pick -- so I'm voting for him -- and hoping he will grow into the job. Boykin is the pick of party regulars,  presumably because he will cooperate with them.
Note: a bit of humor was introduced into the race by Carothers -- who stands on his "proven track record".  Which includes a proven criminal record. As a Chicago alderman, he was convicted of taking cash from a real estate developer seeking zoning changes.  In most traditional civilizations, he would have suffered a painful death or mutilation -- but in Cook County, he gets to run again!

Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, MWRD

6 Year Term, Vote For 3

Cynthia M. Santos
Frank Avila
Timothy 'Tim' Bradford
Josina Morita Democratic
Tom Courtney Democratic
Adam Miguest Democratic
John S. Xydakis Democratic
Frank Edward Gardner
Kathleen Mary O'Reilley
Brendan Francis Houlihan

I'll let the Tribune pick these:  AVILA, MORITA,BRADFORD

Democratic Township Committeeman, Proviso Township

Karen A. Yarbrough
James 'Papa' Brewer

Non politicians should be elected to this position -- so a new face ought to be there every election cycle.   Which makes Brewer my candidate.

Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Vacancy of Gordon) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Shelly A. Harris Democratic 131 Susan Kennedy Sullivan Democratic 132 Freddrenna M. Lyle Democratic 133


Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Vacancy of Murphy) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # David Ellis Democratic 134

 Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Vacancy of Steele) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Sharon Oden Johnson Democratic 135 John B. Simon Democratic 136


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Arnold) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Bridget Anne Mitchell Democratic 141 Alfred M. Swanson, Jr. Democratic 142

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Burke) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Maritza Martinez Democratic 143

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Connors) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Kristal Rivers Democratic 145 Peter J. Vilkelis Democratic 146


 Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Egan) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Daniel J. Kubasiak Democratic 147

 Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Phelps Felton) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Patricia O'Brien Sheahan Democratic 148

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Howse, Jr.) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Caroline Kate Moreland Democratic 149

 Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Lowrance) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Thomas J. Carroll Democratic 150

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of McDonald) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Cynthia Y. Cobbs Democratic 151 Linda L. Mastandrea Democratic 152


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Neville, Jr.) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Carolyn Joan Gallagher Democratic 153 William B. Raines Democratic 154 Patricia S. Spratt Democratic 155 Mary Alice Melchor Democratic 156


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Reyes) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Stephen J. Feldman Democratic 157 Diana Rosario Democratic 158


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Hill Veal) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Andrea Michele Buford Democratic 160 James Patrick Crawley Democratic 161 Kelly Maloney Kachmarik Democratic 162


Judge, 7th Subcircuit (Vacancy of Hardy-Campbell) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Robert D. Kuzas Democratic 171

Judge, 7th Subcircuit (Vacancy of Taylor) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Judy Rice Democratic 173 Owens J. Shelby Democratic 174 Marianne Jackson Democratic 175