Saturday, September 3, 2016

2016 - November elections

The margin of victory in American elections is determined by our most mentally challenged citizens.  The  bright and serious ones, whether progressive, conservative, or self-serving, have made up their minds long before the election campaign ever begins.

It's the air heads who are swayed by all those 30-second commercials that cost so  much to broadcast.

This year's presidential election has the distinction of featuring a candidate whose career in television has given him  a unique appeal to dimwits, especially if they have a taste for the vindictive resentment stoked and validated by decades of right wing talk radio.

 So Donald Trump might actually win this thing -- just as McDonalds makes America's favorite hamburger and Miller Lite is the country's favorite beer.

(and alas, here is  picture taken two years later in the White House)

Intense political involvement, regardless of orientation,  tends to addle the brain.  Since I share many of their views, left wing pundits embarrass me.   I prefer to read their opponents.

This  is the first presidential election in which I have followed the right-wing websites - having become addicted to their expressions of pain and outrage, especially towards each  other. 

My favorite is Erick Erickson.  Far less reptilian than George Will or Charles Krauthammer, he shows flashes of honest self-awareness.

As when he writes: "If we have to ask whether conservative media created Trump, we should not stop there. We should ask who created conservative media. The answer is actually the mainstream media."

Like a truculent child addressing his parents: "Yes, I know I'm a bad boy, but you made me that way!!"

And I have to respect his #NEVERTRUMP crusade.  It  has inspired me to go #NEVERHILLARY.

Not that I have any interest in her lies or emails. If that's the worst thing she's ever done, she would be a saint among politicians.

I cannot vote for her because she has, and will, find opportunities for military intervention - and that is one thing that POTUS can do without Congressional assent.

Trump and Johnson are outspoken champions of self-interest --- which leaves Jill Stein as the candidate who most aligned with public interest.


This  was a close election. Trump actually lost the popular vote. But in response to his ultimate victory - and the wage earners who wagered that he might help them -- we must summon the wisdom of  Karl Marx:

The conditions of the French farmers' class solve to us the riddle of the general elections of December 20 and 21, that led the second Bonaparte to the top of Sinai, not to receive, but to decree laws.

The bourgeoisie had now, manifestly, no choice but to elect Bonaparte. When at the Council of Constance, the puritans complained of the sinful life of the Popes, and moaned about the need of a reform in morals, Cardinal d'Ailly thundered into their faces: "Only the devil in his Own person can now save the Catholic Church, and you demand angels." So, likewise, did the French bourgeoisie cry out after the "coup d'etat": "Only the chief of the 'Society of December 10' can now save bourgeois society, only theft can save property, only perjury religion, only bastardy the family, only disorder order!"



4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Senator, U.S.

6 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Mark Steven Kirk Republican

Tammy Duckworth Democratic

Kenton McMillen Libertarian

Scott Summers Green


Representative, 7th District

2 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Jeffrey A. Leef Republican

Danny K. Davis Democratic


Comptroller, State of Illinois (Unexpired Term)

2 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Leslie Geissler Munger Republican

Susana Mendoza Democratic

Claire Ball Libertarian

Tim Curtin Green


Up to this point on the ballot, I'm voting Democratic -- but  Mendoza seems nothing more than
a political hack -

State Senator, 4th District

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Kimberly A. Lightford Democratic


State Representative, 7th District

2 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Emanuel 'Chris' Welch Democratic


It's sad that both of the above party hacks are running unopposed

State's Attorney, Cook County

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Christopher E.K. Pfannkuche Republican

Kim Foxx Democratic


Pfannkuche looks qualified, and there's no point in having a Democratic foxx guard the Democratic hen house.
(sorry for the  pun)

Clerk of the Circuit Court, Cook County

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Diane S. Shapiro Republican

Dorothy A. Brown Democratic


Shapiro's statement on the Board of Elections site is not very promising - but  the Wikipedia article on Brown suggests that it's time to end her 16 year incumbency.

Recorder, Cook County

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Karen A. Yarbrough Democratic


Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, MWRD

6 Year Term, Vote For 3

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Barbara McGowan Democratic

Mariyana T. Spyropoulos Democratic

Josina Morita Democratic

Karen Roothaan Green

George Milkowski Green

Michael Smith Green


Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, MWRD (Unexpired Term)

2 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Herb Schumann Republican

Martin J. Durkan Democratic

Christopher Anthony Green


I always vote Green on the Water Reclamation positions. Their idealism should be acknowledged.

Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Vacancy of Epstein)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Eileen O'Neill Burke Democratic


Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Vacancy of Quinn)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Bertina E. Lampkin Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Biebel, Jr.)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
John Fitzgerald Lyke, Jr. Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Elrod)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Rossana Patricia Fernandez Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Hogan)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Alison C. Conlon Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Howlett, Jr.)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Aleksandra 'Alex' Gillespie Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Johnson)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Carolyn J. Gallagher Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Karnezis)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Mary Kathleen McHugh Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Love)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Brendan A. O'Brien Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of O'Brien)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Maureen O'Donoghue Hannon Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Palmer)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Susana L. Ortiz Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Ruscitti Grussel)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Daniel Patrick Duffy Democratic


Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Walsh)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Patrick Joseph Powers Democratic


Judge, 7th Subcircuit (Vacancy of Burrell)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Marianne Jackson Democratic


Judge, 7th Subcircuit (Vacancy of Rivkin-Carothers)

4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Patricia 'Pat' S. Spratt Democratic

(note: I'm voting to retain all judges except those with an 83% approval rating from a summary of all endorsements)

Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Joy Virginia Cunningham 201 202

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Sophia H. Hall 203 204

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Irwin J. Solganick 205 206

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Alexander Patrick White 207 208

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Vincent Michael Gaughan 209 210

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Robert W. Bertucci 211 212

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Deborah Mary Dooling 213 214

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Timothy C. Evans 215 216

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Cheyrl D. Ingram 217 218

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Raymond L. Jagielski 219 220

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Bertina E. Lampkin 221 222

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
William Maki 223 224

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Sharon Marie Sullivan 225 226

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
James Patrick McCarthy 227 228

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Arnette R. Hubbard 229 230

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Nicholas R. Ford 231 232

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Charles Patrick Burns 233 234

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Denise Kathleen Filan 235 236

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
John Patrick Kirby 237 238

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Diane Joan Larsen 239 240

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Daniel Joseph Lynch 241 242

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Kathleen Mary Pantle 243 244

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Kevin Michael Sheehan 245 246

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
John D. Turner, Jr. 247 248

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
LeRoy K. Martin, Jr. 249 250

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Paula Marie Daleo 251 252

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Laurence J. Dunford 253 254

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Robert Balanoff 255 256

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Jeanne R. Cleveland Bernstein 257 258

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Kathleen Marie Burke 259 260

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Kay Marie Hanlon 261 262

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Thomas J. Kelley 263 264

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Clare Elizabeth McWilliams 265 266

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Mary Lane Mikva 267 268

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Patrick T. Murphy 269 270

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Timothy Patrick Murphy 271 272

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Jim Ryan 273 274

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Edward 'Ed' Washington, II 275 276

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Thaddeus L. Wilson 277 278

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
John C. Griffin 279 280

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Daniel James Pierce 281 282

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Allen F. Murphy 283 284

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
William H. Hooks 285 286

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Thomas V. Lyons 287 288

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Raymond W. Mitchell 289 290

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Edward Harmening 291 292

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Daniel Malone 293 294

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Geary W. Kull 295 296

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
John P. Callahan, Jr. 297 298

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Steven James Bernstein 299 300

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Bonita Coleman 301 302

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Ann Finley Collins 303 304

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Daniel J. Gallagher 305 306

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Sharon O. Johnson 307 308

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Linzey D. Jones 309 310

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Terry MacCarthy 311 312

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Sandra G. Ramos 313 314

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Retention)

Candidate Name Yes No
Susan Kennedy Sullivan 315 316

Title Question Yes No
Proposed Amendment to the Illinois Constitution NOTICE THE FAILURE TO VOTE THIS BALLOT MAY BE THE EQUIVALENT OF A NEGATIVE VOTE, BECAUSE A CONVENTION SHALL BE CALLED OR THE AMENDMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE IF APPROVED BY EITHER THREE-FIFTHS OF THOSE VOTING ON THE QUESTION OR A MAJORITY OF THOSE VOTING IN THE ELECTION. (THIS IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A DIRECTION THAT YOUR VOTE IS REQUIRED TO BE CAST EITHER IN FAVOR OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSITION HEREIN CONTAINED.) WHETHER YOU VOTE THIS BALLOT OR NOT YOU MUST RETURN IT TO THE ELECTION JUDGE WHEN YOU LEAVE THE VOTING BOOTH. CONSTITUTION BALLOT PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE 1970 ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION Explanation of Amendment The proposed amendment adds a new section to the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution. The proposed amendment provides that no moneys derived from taxes, fees, excises, or license taxes, relating to registration, titles, operation, or use of vehicles or public highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, or airports, or motor fuels, including bond proceeds, shall be expended for other than costs of administering laws related to vehicles and transportation, costs for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and betterment of public highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, airports, or other forms of transportation, and other statutory highway purposes, including the State or local share to match federal aid highway funds. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution. For the proposed addition of Section 11 to Article IX of the Illinois Constitution.

Should user fees be spent to support the service rendered? That makes sense to me - especially since in this case, the money is actually needed  to maintain infrastructure.

Countywide, Merge Offices Shall the Office of the Cook County Recorder of Deeds be eliminated and all duties and responsibilities of the Office of the Cook County Recorder of Deeds be transferred to, and assumed by, the Office of the Cook County Clerk by December 7, 2020?

Both positions are traditionally reserved for Democratic party hacks.  Why pay for two when we can get by with one ?
Countywide, Earned Sick Time Shall Illinois enact the Earned Sick Time for Employees Act which will allow Illinois workers to earn up to 40 hours of sick time a year to take care of their own health or a family member's health?

If we can distinguish between what it would be nice from what should be required for employers to do -- paid sick leave would be the former.
Proviso Township, Amend Constitution Should the United States Constitution be amended to clearly state that only individual persons, and not corporations, associations, or any other organizational entities are entitled to the rights enumerated in the Constitution?
Proviso Township, Fossil Fuels Shall all levels of government including federal, state, county, and municipal districts cease purchasing securities in the fossil fuel industry in order to break the hold of fossil fuel corporations on markets and governments and bring about a swift transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy?
Proviso Township, Climate Change Shall our Representatives and Senators in the U.S. Congress sponsor and/or support measures that will: Acknowledge the serious threat posed by climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a clear, transparent and effective way?

I won't spend any time thinking about fanciful, feel-good-only proposals. 


Friday, February 12, 2016

2016 - March Primary - Democratic

President, U.S. 4 Year Term, Vote For 1:

Hillary Clinton Democratic 1 Willie L. Wilson Democratic 2 Martin J. O'Malley Democratic 3 Roque 'Rocky' De La Fuente Democratic 4 Larry (Lawrence) Cohen Democratic 5 Bernie Sanders Democratic 6

I confess that I didn't take Bernie Sanders seriously until the overwhelming majority of kids did. The view from those at the beginning of their adult lives is quite different from those, like me, who can already see the exit door.  I had figured that the greatest priority was electing a democrat - period - so that eventually SCOTUS would undue the mischief of the Citizen United case and let the country again attempt to disconnect big money from big politics.

But now, I'm not so sure that Hilary is the most electable Democrat. And I'm not comfortable with her approach to foreign policy -- including this account of her role in the Libya intervention.
Bernie appears to be less interventionist and less pro-Israel -- and what, besides foreign affairs, can a President actually accomplish with a Republican House and Senate?

So now I'll be voting for Bernie -- as long as I can keep myself from watching any more debates.

As LBJ,  that great achiever of Civil Rights and Medicare may once have said:  making laws, like making sausages, should never be looked at too closely -- and it's a bit disgusting to watch politicians pandering  to various kinds of self interest, rather than articulating a common good..

But since electability is my primary concern --- Clinton may eventually get my vote.

Here is a piece by a Gay-Jewish pundit who argues that Bernie has no chance to win. Coincidentally, I queried a cross-dressing customer at my shop last week, and he/she said they would never vote for a Socialist. (they're backing Ted Cruz)

On the other hand, this opinion piece argues that Bernie fares better in face-to-face polls against Trump because, like Trump, he is not politics-as-usual, while unlike Trump, he is not a proven scoundrel


Something might also be said about the phenomenal success of the Trump campaign over on the Republican side. He is quite an accomplished entertainer/public speaker who has tailored a message for the crowd whose appetite for  anger and resentment has been whipped up by talk radio.

They may be driven by paranoid innuendo and patriotic blather - but they're not especially accommodated by the traditional conservatives whose ideal of small government better serves the interests of  wealthy  investors and corporations.

So I'm glad they now have a champion who is destroying the Republican coalition, even if it eventually recovers.

I just hope he doesn't make it all the way to the white house.

Senator, U.S. 6 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Andrea Zopp Democratic 21 Tammy Duckworth Democratic 22 Napoleon Harris Democratic 23

Napoleon Harris is a retired NFL linebacker who opened two pizza joints and then got elected to the Illinois senate from a poor, southeast suburban Chicago district. He is currently at odds with the Labor Department for paying his  employees below minimum wage. His website demonstrates an interest in education and alternative economy -- but not much relating to the national issues that come before the US senate.

Andrea Zopp is an attorney who was CEO of the Chicago Urban League and worked for various national corporations.   She appears to be well connected with Chicago political leaders. In contrast to Mr. Harris, her website actually does discuss national issues --  but it feels like a half-hearted boilerplate -- just going through the motions

On the other hand, Tammy Duckworth offers even less information and discussion on her website.. Her life story, as a disabled combat veteran, is more compelling than anything else she has said or done.

With greater name recognition, perhaps Tammy might do better in the general election --- but Andrea might well become a more effective legislator.

Representative, 7th District 2 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Danny K. Davis Democratic 41 Thomas Day Democratic 42

Thomas Day offers nothing to this race other than his military background.  Not even a website that might discuss issues in greater detail  than a 5-minute video.

So I see no reason to unseat Danny Davis  even if his attendance record is poor. Have there really been many congressional votes in the past 8 years that were not  decided beforehand?

Delegate to National Nominating Convention, 7th District 2 Year Term, Vote For 9:

 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Ira Acree (Clinton) Democratic 51 Mattie Hunter (Clinton) Democratic 52 James F. Coyne (Clinton) Democratic 53 Emma M. Mitts (Clinton) Democratic 54 Larry Rogers, Jr. (Clinton) Democratic 55 Eileen Kay Rhodes (Clinton) Democratic 56 Michael Scott Jr. (Clinton) Democratic 57 Anna Valencia (Clinton) Democratic 58 John A. West (Clinton) Democratic 59 Tumia Romero (O'Malley) Democratic 60 Tierra S. Jackson (O'Malley) Democratic 61 Peggy A. Roth (O'Malley) Democratic 62 Katrina Veerhusen (O'Malley) Democratic 63 Anne Conderacci (O'Malley) Democratic 64 Michael K. Forde (O'Malley) Democratic 65 Joshua Sam Lapidus (O'Malley) Democratic 66 Hugh R. McCombs (O'Malley) Democratic 67 La Shawn K. Ford (Sanders) Democratic 68 Robert J. Peters (Sanders) Democratic 69 Melissa Parks (Sanders) Democratic 70 Robert Angert George (Sanders) Democratic 71 Martin Ritter (Sanders) Democratic 72 Jan Rodolfo (Sanders) Democratic 73 Willie Mack (Sanders) Democratic 74 Tara S. Stamps (Sanders) Democratic 75 Brianna Tong (Sanders) Democratic 76

Comptroller, State of Illinois (Unexpired Term) 2 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Susana Mendoza Democratic 31

No contest

 State Senator, 4th District 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Kimberly A. Lightford Democratic 111

Is  there any reason why  Ms. Lightford should hold this job  until she dies or retires?

State Representative, 7th District 2 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Emanuel 'Chris' Welch Democratic 121 Chris Harris Democratic 122

Hats off to Tim Harris for challenging the lifetime incumbency of Chris Welch.

All of the accusations printed above are false -- but Welch has always run for office:by  accusing opponents of his own crimes.

As the Chicago Tribune writes:

7th District: Rep. Chris Welch, D-Hillside, must be worried about his opponent, Chris Harris of Forest Park, or he wouldn't be sending out smear mailings that are so misleading they're comical. 

Sadly, it has always worked for him in our low income district.

More sadly -- Illinois really does need legislators who can deliver services while getting the state out of bankruptcy.

Here are some more Welch flyers that I've been collecting.

The good news is that this blizzard of mailings, billboards on the Eisenhower,  and telephone calls (by paid campaign workers) suggest that Mr. Welch is concerned about being defeated by  a rather weak candidate.

He knows what kind of politician he is -- and he knows that we know it.

Party hacks  with bad records survive by flying under the radar in the March primary where voter turnout  is low.  But this primary features an exciting presidential contest, so a lot of independent  voters will be at the polls -- and Welch's handpicked school board was recently thrown out by a concerted campaign by active citizens.

No wonder he's nervous!

The bad news is that the cash to pay for all this is coming from a quid-pro-quo network of state contractors and other politicians.  It's got to be several hundred thousand dollars.

By-the-way ---- one thing that cannot be found in any of these many flyers:  a single endorsement by a journalist or anyone else for that matter.

Another thing that cannot be found is any discussion of the budget-less state's bankruptcy.

Here's what Harris has for campaign literature -- a phony "newspaper" published by some right wing PAC.  It's sad, but I'll still vote for him.  A fool is better than a crook.

The blizzard of Welch mailings just keeps on coming -  reminding me again - and again - and again that there is not necessarily a connection between progressive ideas and progressive action.

These ads are disgusting.  He's hiding his own shameless behavior behind the images of vulnerable children.

I think I'll nail my mailbox shut until after the election.

... and the blizzard continues....

State's Attorney, Cook County 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Kim Foxx Democratic 151 Anita Alvarez Democratic 152 Donna More Democratic 153

Why did Anita Alvarez take 400 days to bring charges against the policeman who killed Laquan McDonald?

Here is Anita Alvarez's side of the story.

Given the difficulty of successfully prosecuting an on-duty  policeman,  I can understand why she might have waited until the FBI had completed its investigation.

But she saw those tapes within 30 days of the shooting - and while there may be some question of how to best try the case, there is no question that a citizen was unjustly murdered. It's more important, in my view, to show both the police and the community that this is unacceptable  police behavior. Whether the actual policeman involved gets convicted or not so important.

There was also a March 6 Tribune op-ed piece by Eric Zorn that detailed five instances of prosecutorial vigor  that was over-the-top - with a few more added a week later.

So  it's time for her to move on to another job.

Regarding her two opponents - both have worked in the state attorney's office.  Foxx's pitch is that she will keep the office from abusing black people - like Laquan McDonald.

Donna More promises to do much the same thing - but in a more general way. She also claims much more experience than Foxx in trying felony cases.  But she seems to have moved quite seamlessly from working for a state agency that regulated casinos to working for the casinos themselves. So I don't sense a serious intent to serve the public.

Foxx has a compelling story of her rise from the ghetto - but she does seem to be yet one more unqualified political hack.

I can't really vote for any of them.

Hopefully the  Republicans will offer a better alternative in the general election.

 Clerk of the Circuit Court, Cook County 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Jacob Meister Democratic 161 Dorothy A. Brown Democratic 162 Michelle A. Harris Democratic 163

I'll have to do some research to see if these attacks hold up


I just saw the three candidates on WTTW.

As it turns out -- this appears to be a unambiguous contest between party hegemony and job competence.

Jacob Meister it is.

 Recorder, Cook County 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Karen A. Yarbrough Democratic 171

no contest

Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, MWRD 6 Year Term, Vote For 3 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Kevin McDevitt Democratic 131 Barbara McGowan Democratic 132 Mariyana T. Spyropoulos Democratic 133 Josina Morita Democratic 134 R. Cary Capparelli Democratic 135 Joseph Daniel Cook Democratic 136

Tribune endorses Morita,   Spryopoulos, Capparelli

 Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, MWRD (Unexpired Term) 2 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Andrew Seo Democratic 141 Tom Greenhaw Democratic 142 Martin J. Durkan Democratic 143

Tribune endorses Greenhaw

Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Vacancy of Epstein) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Eileen O'Neill Burke Democratic 191
no contest

 Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District (Vacancy of Quinn) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Bertina E. Lampkin Democratic 192
no contest

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Biebel, Jr.) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # John Fitzgerald Lyke, Jr. Democratic 201
no contest

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Elrod) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Scott Edward Lipinski Democratic 202 Rossana Patricia Fernandez Democratic 203

Fernandez more highly rated

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Hogan) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Michael I. O'Malley Democratic 204 Alison C. Conlon Democratic 205

Conlon more highly rated

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Howlett, Jr.) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Aleksandra 'Alex' Gillespie Democratic 206 Thomas Maloney Cushing Democratic 207

Cushing more highly rated

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Johnson) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Gregory Raymond Lapapa Democratic 208 Sean S. Chaudhuri Democratic 209 Mark A. Lyon Democratic 210 Carolyn J. Gallagher Democratic 212 Bonnie Carol McGrath Democratic 214

Mark Lyon is the most highly rated - while Bonnie McGrath is a free lance journalist who is opposed to the process of bar association recommendation.  That makes her interesting, but not enough to vote for her.  She has a campaign website -- but you need a password to  access it!

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Karnezis) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Mary Kathleen McHugh Democratic 216 Devlin J. Schoop Democratic 217 Brian J O'Hara Democratic 218

Devlin Schoop most recommended

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Love) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Brendan A. O'Brien Democratic 219

no contest

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of O'Brien) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Maureen O'Donoghue Hannon Democratic 220

no contest

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Palmer) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Pat Heneghan Democratic 221 Susana L. Ortiz Democratic 222 Deidre Baumann Democratic 224

Henegan most recommeded

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Ruscitti Grussel) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # John E. Marszalek Democratic 225 William S. Wojcik Democratic 226 Daniel Patrick Duffy Democratic 227 Monica M. Torres-Linares Democratic 228

Duffy and Wojcik are equally recommended - but Duffy is not-recommended by the Chicago Council of Lawyers and the  Woman's Bar Association - while Wojcik is not-recommended by Asian Lawyers and the Lesbian/Gay association.  So it would seem that objections to Duffy are more substantial.

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit (Vacancy of Walsh) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Patrick Joseph Powers Democratic 229 Fredrick H. Bates Democratic 231

Bates is most recommended

Judge, 7th Subcircuit (Vacancy of Burrell) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Marianne Jackson Democratic 241

no contest

Judge, 7th Subcircuit (Vacancy of Rivkin-Carothers) 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 Candidate Name Party Ballot # Patricia 'Pat' S. Spratt Democratic 242 Christopher J. Stuart Democratic 243 Jennifer Ballard Democratic 244 Mable Taylor Democratic 245 Patrick D. John Democratic 246 Rosa Silva Democratic 247

Pat Spratt is most recommended