Sunday, October 2, 2022

2022 - General Election November




The Republican Party has so badly debased itself in the Trump years, it will be a while before I will consider any of their candidates suitable for public office.

*** However***

As our Speaker of the House, Chris Welch, has reminded us by recently helping his wife become a judge, his sense of public duty has not grown along with his power.

His opponent in this race, however, is an official with Living Word, our  local prosperity ministry - with the standard "parents' rights"  playbook.

When it comes time to vote, I will choose one of them -- but only as my pen touches the paper.

State Representative, 7th Representative District 2 Year Term Vote For 1 

Emanuel 'Chris' Welch Democratic 41 

Eddie L. Kornegay, Jr. Republican 42 


All that's left are these two referenda.





Referendum for November 8, 2022 - Gubernatorial General Election Proposed Amendment to the Illinois Constitution PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE 1970 ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION EXPLANATION OF AMENDMENT The proposed amendment would add a new section to the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution that would guarantee workers the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively and to negotiate wages, hours, and working conditions, and to promote their economic welfare and safety at work. The new amendment would also prohibit from being passed any new law that interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively over their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and workplace safety. At the general election to be held on November 8, 2022, you will be called upon to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution. For the proposed addition of Section 25 to Article I of the Illinois Constitution. Forest Preserve District, Increase Limiting Rate 


 I would certainly like to see all the corporate wage slaves - franchise food workers, for example - get living wages -- but I'm not too keen on expanding the power of the public service unions (police, teachers, etc)

So I am voting this one down.

Addendum:  it has to incurred to me that the anti-amendment campaign is funded by the same wealthy individuals whose deceptive advertising recently killed proportional income tax rates in Illinois.

But the pro-amendment websites do not address the concerns which have been raised.  Other than prohibiting right-to-week laws, they do not specify what else the amendment would accomplish.

If there were an amendment to prohibit right to-work, I would vote for it.

But this amendment seems both broader and hazier.


FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS - CLEAN AIR, CLEAN WATER, AND WILDLIFE HABITAT PROTECTION ONE-YEAR LIMITING RATE INCREASE ?Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois, be increased by an additional amount equal to 0.025% above the limiting rate for levy year 2020 for the purposes of conserving and restoring land to good health, protecting the water quality of rivers, lakes, and streams, providing natural flood water storage, protecting wildlife habitat, protecting forests to improve air quality, improving and maintaining existing forest preserves and trails of said District, and other lawful purposes of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, with public disclosure of expenditures, and be equal to 0.076% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for levy year 2022??(1)The approximate amount of taxes extendable at the most recently extended limiting rate is $88,665,270 and the approximate amount of taxes extendable if the proposition is approved is $132,128,637. (2) For the 2022 levy year the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single-family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $8.06.(3)If the proposition is approved, the aggregate extension for 2022 will be determined by the limiting rate set forth in the proposition, rather than the otherwise applicable limiting rate calculated under the provisions of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (commonly known as the Property Tax Cap Law). 


 I couldn't find any arguments against this - so  it boils down to whether I'm willing to pay more taxes for the Forest Preserves or not.

I love them -- so the answer is Yes.


 regarding the judges:

Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District  ---  apparently all six candidates are  well qualified -  and having no additional  information -  I won't vote on this one

for retention:  Ann Collins and Dan Pierce are thumbs down.

Thursday, June 23, 2022




The rise of lawlessness in our area - a shooting rate 5x that of NYC - needs to be addressed - but it’s so hard to distinguish rhetoric from problem solving - while the law-and-order party continues to exemplify the opposite with great enthusiasm.

Lots of  one-candidate races in this Democratic primary - none of which are listed below

How I wish that some  well-informed blogger would write about those who actually do face competition.

I feel like I'm shooting in the dark to pick amongst them - but here goes -- despite my ignorance:



Governor and Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois
4  Year Term Vote For 1

JB Pritzker & Juliana Stratton
Beverly Miles & Karla Shaw

Not believing in plutocracy, I'm usually inclined to vote for the under-funded candidate instead of the billionaire.

But Miles has ZERO on her campaign website about issues.  It's all resume.
Pritzker, on the other hand, goes on extensively about what he's done or wants to do.
I'll vote for the billionaire.


Secretary of State, State of Illinois
4 Year Term Vote For 1

Alexi Giannoulias
David H. Moore
Anna M. Valencia
Sidney Moore

 Here's the first head scratcher. 
Valencia's husband is a political lobbyist - so it makes little sense to vote for the two of them.
The two Moores look like real long shots: no major endorsements, no experience running large organizations.
I'm still angry at Giannoulias for losing his senate race  - but I'll give him another chance. He looks to me like a goof from a wealthy family who wants to play politics.  But Barack likes him -- so he can't be all that bad.


U.S. Representative, 7th Congressional District
2 Year Term Vote For 1

Kina Collins

Danny K. Davis

Denarvis C. Mendenhall

Mendenhall doesn’t  even have a website.
Davis has one - but there’s nothing about what he wants to accomplish —only the rather mundane things he has done —- the votes in Congress and the committees to which he has been assigned.
Kina Collins is all about helping the poor - which I do not believe is entirely synonymous with advancing the country and humanity.
But I’ll vote for her anyway — at least she’s got some energy

Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
6 Year Term Vote For 3

Mariyana T. Spyropoulos———— pick by Sierra Club (incumbent,  ,attorney)

(She got the most votes _ probably because her name was listed first - actually the first three names on the ballot all got the most votes and were elected to the position.     Sad.  )

Yumeka Brown

Patricia Theresa Flynn

Frank Avila

Rick Garcia

Cristina P. Nonato

Precious W. Brady-Davis………. Pick by Sierra Club

Sharon Waller…………. Pick by Sierra Club

Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
2 Year Term (Unexpired Term)Vote For 1

Daniel "Pogo" Pogorzelski

Elizabeth Joyce (no website - no nothing)

Chakena D. Perry (incumbent, appointed by Pritzker)

….. I’ll pick Sharon Waller because she’s a water management professional.  The rest are politicians and I really can’t tell the difference between them

Board President, Cook County
4 Year Term Vote For 1
Toni Preckwinkle
Richard R. Boykin
Preckwinkle is honest and distinguished - and 75 years old - and not especially focused on the growing lawlessness in our area.
Boykin's website is devoted to public safety - but is it any more than hot air ?
 This one's a toss up for me.

Sheriff, Cook County
4 Year Term Vote For 1

Thomas J. Dart 
Noland Rivera- ran military prison in Iraq

Carmen Navarro Gercone- has a plan-- but has yet to post it (a week prior to election)

LaTonya Ruffin- website is vaccuous

Dart has held the job for over 15 years  - none of the incumbents convince me that he needs to go

Assessor, Cook County
4 Year Term Vote For 1

Fritz Kaegi

Kari K. Steele

It sounds like Kaegi’s assessments have aroused the commercial development  industry.  
That’s OK - I’ll vote for him again.


Even though I’m not in her judicial district, I just received the above flyer on behalf of Shawnte Raines-Welch - the wife of Chris Welch, the Speaker of the House and the representative of my district.

Welch claims that she’s a great attorney even if she is his wife — and it’s good that he supports his mate - given his history of domestic abuse.

But were legal qualifications really the reason that 500k was donated to the wife of the speaker of the house?

Chris Welch is running unopposed in this primary - and he may never face a serious opponent again. 

This is why I cannot call myself a Democrat - even if I do vote  in their primary.

Note:  I just discovered which is a serious upgrade to voteforjudges since it includes controversies and donations.  I’ll be using it from here on out.

(results: Raines-Welch won by under 2000 votes  out of 318,000 ballots cast -- most of the difference coming from Proviso Township where her husband was chair of the school board for many years)


Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Russell "Russ" Hartigan
Dominique C. Ross——- no
Debra B. Walker——— yes
Judge, Illinois Appellate Court, 1st District
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Raymond W. Mitchell——- yes
Devlin Joseph Schoop——- no
John H. Ehrlich

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Howard B. Brookins, Jr……yes
Ubi O. O'Neal….. no!!!!!
Lisa Michelle Taylor

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Diana López……. Yes
Monica G. Somerville
Mable Taylor

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Thomas E. Nowinski……. Yes
Carmen Migdalia Quinones

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Elizabeth "Beth" Ryan…… yes
Yolanda Harris Sayre

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Rena Marie Van Tine…… yes
Wende Williams

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Deidre Baumann
Paul Joyce……. Yes
Michael Weaver

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Ruth Isabel Gudino……. Yes
Chelsey Renece Robinson

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Araceli R. De La Cruz….. yes
Jacqueline Marie Griffin
Dan Balanoff

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Thomas More Donnelly….. yes
Claudia Silva-Hernandez
Meridth Vanae Hammer

Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Mary Bernadette McMahon
Suzanne Therese McEneely
Tracie Porter……… yes7

Judge, 7th Cook County Subcircuit
Candidate Name
Ballot #
Marcia O'Brien Conway….. yes
Owens "Joe" Shelby