Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2024 Primary


Tara Stamps (photo: Chicago Tribune)
Incumbent Commissioner
(That’s her patron, the board President, standing behind her)

Democratic Ballot


1 Joseph R Biden Jr

 2 Dean Phillips

 3 Marianne Williamson

 4 Frank "Frankie" Lozad


I didn’t even know that Biden had any challengers -

and I’m not motivated to look at their websites.

I doubt he ever sought it out - but Joe Biden has been given the job of standing up for democracy, and America as one nation - indivisible -  with liberty and justice for all.

He is the American political hero of our time.   He is the anti-Trump.

Like the world of  Bizarro Superman - everything about MAGA is the precise inverse of what it proclaims.  Patriotic ?  Only for the Confederacy.  Christian ?   Only for the death wish of  eschatology.





U.S. Representative, 7th District Representante 

 11 Melissa Conyears-Ervin 

12 Danny K. Davis  (incumbent)

 13 Kouri Marshall 

14 Nikhil Bhatia 

15 Kina Collins 

Old Danny is likely to win — and that’s Ok with me.

But since I’d like his successor to be more pragmatic than ideological, I’ll vote for Melissa instead of Kina.  Nothing distinguishes the other candidates.

Broadsides like this usually travel directly from the mailbox to the trash can.  

But these allegations are worth researching - to learn more about either the challengers or the incumbent. I really hope he’s not  a liar.



Metropolitan Water Reclamation District CommissionersFull 6-Year Term



  Vote for not more than Three 

 81 Sharon Waller

 82 Kari K. Steele

 83 Marcelino Garcia

 84 Daniel "Pogo" Pogorzelski

For the one candidate who would be eliminated,  I’ll make this a race between the two self proclaimed water experts.

Waller actually shows us her credentials - Steele does not.



 State's Attorney vote for One / 

93 Clayton Harris III 

94 Eileen O'Neill Burke

 There’s a bit more urgency about Burke’s campaign.  Public safety is a concern that I share.  Stores getting plundered, cars getting hijacked, people attacked on L-trains. Burke wants to go back to prosecuting  thefts over $300 (current policy is $1000).  Harris,among other things,  wants to "engage in deflection, diversion, and restorative justice programs and practices so that our county can move away from overreliance on mass incarceration of Black and Brown communities." 


 County Commissioner, 1st District Unexpired 2-Year Term  Vote for One / 

 101 Tara Stamps

 102 Zerlina A. Smith

As shown at the top, Stamps looks like she’d fun to meet. But as the hand picked incumbent, she is less likely to be an independent voice.


Sadly , our State senator and representative are both running unopposed - and will probably do so until they die or retire.  

And that's why we need a functional two party system.


Board of Review - Third district

Tucker challenging Rogers on ethics issues —- I’m picking Tucker

***********. Judges ***********

State Supreme Court:  Reyes vs Cunningham

Based on their WTTW interviews — I’m picking Reyes. — though, I admit —— I cannot justify it, other than the fact that Cunningham was appointed to fill a vacancy, so she would be less independent.

(other judges as determined by data on VoteForJudges.com