Look Familiar?
This is almost identical
to the last minute
attack flier
mailed out in the
2007 election
except then it was called
the "Proviso First Party"
and it consisted of
Robin Foreman, Carla D. Johnson, and Robert Cox.
Even though the flier decried
the district's miserable test scores
demanding that the leadership
be held accountable,
when elected, they turned around
and voted to return the incumbent, Chris Welch,
as President of the Proviso District 209 School Board.
(this time, Theresa Kelly
is still on the hit list,
but Robin Foreman must have
fallen out with her cronies,
so she is being attacked now, as well)
It's these kind of antics
that continue to make the strongest argument
against having public schools at all.
There is not enough public interest
to provide any kind electoral control
over self-serving politicians.
(Note: the Forest Park Review
has refused to endorse
any of the candidates at all
"the downward spiral of District 209 continues")