Friday, September 25, 2020

2020 November General Election


Joseph R. Biden & Kamala D. Harris Democratic
Donald J. Trump & Michael R. Pence Republican
Howie Hawkins & Angela Walker Green Party
Gloria La Riva & Leonard PeltierParty for Socialism and Liberation
Brian Carroll & Amar PatelAmerican Solidarity Party
Jo Jorgensen & Jeremy 'Spike' Cohen Libertarian

Why will at least 4 in  10 American voters still vote for DJT after all that's happened over his past four years as President?   I suppose that's the question that scholars of American history will be trying to sort out for decades to come.  Most devastating has been his head-in-the-sand response to the global  pandemic.  Perhaps the severe measures taken in China would not have been possible in America.  But still -- much more national effort could have been made to secure masks and testing kits - instead of leaving each state to fend for itself in competition with all the others. And what about at least encouraging - instead of resisting - wearing masks, social distancing, and  the business closures that are economically painful up front, but less expensive in the long run.  Trump's response to the pandemic is no less short sighted than his - and the entire Republican Party's - response to global warming - whose ever growing effects will eventually make the pandemic seem like a brief case of sniffles. 

Then there's his illegal suspension of financial assistance to an  East European country trying to defend itself from the same predatory neighbor that has - and  continues - to manipulate social media  on behalf of DJT's  candidacy. His impeachment was justified by the evidence --  his  acquittal  was achieved by that political death which every Republican office holder fears from that 4-in-10 electorate.  And let's not forget his off-the-cuff assassination of a foreign military/political leader - and the criminal convictions of so many of his advisors, - including personal attorney and campaign managers. 

The above issues are not especially ideological - by any notion of what might be called liberal or conservative.  They're just about serious, rational, and honest public  policy -- and apparently 4 in 10 Americans do not care one way or the other.  A pervasive sense of angry alienation seems to be what they need to express.  The worse Trump does -- the better he expresses it - and there does not  appear to be any bottom to it. 

Or perhaps it's  more accurate to say that there is one ideological issue that does encompass all the others: American national sovereignty - as  it has been  attacked by a variety of opponents foreign and domestic - in an attempt to render it dysfunctional:

*The Russian regime in its quest to restore a lost empire
*American businesses that want to weaken regulation
*Southern nationalists who still resent the Civil Rights Era
*Evangelicals who resist secular, non-patriarchal values
*Federalist ideologues who want a weak central government  (there's not very many of them
but they now have firm control of the supreme court)

Amplifying these interests is the decline of professional journalism and the rise of social platforms like Twitter and Facebook.  The one tries to be  objective (or, at least it once  pretended to) - the other shamelessly proliferates misinformation targeted at its audience.  And I  don't see how this situation will  improve  until major  newspapers return to the discredited ideals  taught in  journalism schools.

And giving this ideology a convenient target is the dysfunctional political philosophy of an academic left that calls for eliminating national borders, defunding police, and abolishing  prisons. (I just saw the documentary "Time").  

Trump is an awful person - but this election is not really about him.  Why would any marginal party run a candidate that might draw even one vote away from the candidate who has the best chance to end this national debacle ?  The Green, Socialist,  Solidarity, and Libertarian parties - as well as the Republicans -  have all disqualified themselves as responsible leaders.

There are several national Democratic leaders with whom I  mostly disagree  and I am not impressed by most of its local, self-serving  office holders.   But I'll be voting straight Democratic for the foreseeable future -  beginning with all the other contests on this ballot.  Now is the time for public minded Republicans to stand up and distance themselves from their party.  And mostly they have miserably failed that test.


.And one more thing! Looking into Biden's senatorial past - with the enormous advantage of hindsight - his record does appear quite mixed and sometimes incomprehensible.  Why would anyone vote for the invasion of Iraq and then vote against the surge in troops to make it less a failure?

But this seems to be the moment in his life - coming not far from the end - when he really can make an important contribution to American life - and probably he feels the same way.  He is Gary Cooper at High Noon up against the notorious Miller Gang. (no relation).  That's why he won't back out of the debates - as ridiculous as they are.  He wants to be a champion - our champion.

I won't discuss any of the other contests. Only Democratic candidates will  get my vote this time.  I won't even vote Green for the Metropolitan Sanitary District - and probably never will again. 

But I will say a word about the following:

PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION QUESTION Explanation of Amendment: The proposed amendment grants the State authority to impose higher income tax rates on higher income levels, which is how the federal government and a majority of other states do it. The amendment would remove the portion of the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution that is sometimes referred to as the "flat tax," that requires all taxes on income to be at the same rate. The amendment does not itself change tax rates. It gives the State the ability to impose higher tax rates on those with higher income levels and lower income tax rates on those with middle or lower income levels. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become a part of the Illinois Constitution. For the proposed amendment of Section 3 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution.

I was a bit surprised about the Illinois flat tax 
when I first moved here 45 years ago.
Finally changing it is a  good idea. 

Two percent of a poor man's income
 is way more significant to him
than 2% is to the wealthy man,
and many people, like me 45 years ago,
make just enough to survive.

What's curious to me, however,
is the blatantly dishonest campaign run against it,
asserting, as it does,
that the Amendment will necessarily raise the taxes
on low to middle income people.

My wife, poor dear,
concluded that there must be 
two tax amendments on the ballot,
one that made taxes more fair,
and the other that raised everyone's taxes.

It appears that our current President
has made the habit of outrageous lying
even more pervasive and shameless.



Is the Trump era over now?

48% of the votes cast went for him,
despite the epidemic, despite the crashed economy, despite the impeachment.
Those people aren't going away -
they'll  still  be living outside the great cities
and mad as hell that the world is changing.

And who knows, maybe Trump will run  again in  four years.

But still, it's a relief  that he will be out of office on January 20, 2021.
Not so much that he  might do something crazy- 
the only energy he has is for self promotion - 
but that he will continue to be useless regarding the pandemic
or any other national emergency that might  arise.
He's a clown - not a tyrant.
He's a PT Barnum - not a wanna be Hitler, Stalin, or Mao.

Will Illinois ever have a graduated income tax?

It's hard to believe how many people voted against Trump,
but also voted against a graduated  income tax.
Lying works in politics,
and big lies work even better.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


PRESIDENT, U.S. 4 Year Term, Vote For 1

Amy J. KlobucharDemocratic1
Deval PatrickDemocratic2
Bernie SandersDemocratic3
Joseph R. BidenDemocratic4
Michael R. BloombergDemocratic5
 Elizabeth WarrenDemocratic6
 Pete ButtigiegDemocratic7
 Tom SteyerDemocratic8
Andrew YangDemocratic9
 Michael BennetDemocratic10
 John K. DelaneyDemocratic11
 Tulsi GabbardDemocratic12
Cory BookerDemocratic13

Back in the 2016,  I confess that I flirted with  Bernie in the primary and Jill Stein in the general. (thankfully, I  can't remember how I ended up voting)

But things have changed!  Incredibly enough, a recent Gallup poll showed nearly  50% approval  for DJT -- and that's after it was made clear that he withheld approved funding to a former Soviet republic unless they investigated his political opponent.  That's not "rigging an election", as the New York Times asserts -- but it is a serious,  reckless, foolish, and illegal abuse of  executive power.

Even if it did not deserve impeachment --- how could anyone approve of him after such behavior has been proven?  (proven mostly by his own  words and his silencing of witnesses against him)

What we  have here is a large chunk of the body politic - actually, the largest -  that ever-more needs to valorize a hero - not in spite of his misdeeds - but because of them.  DJT is bravely standing up for everyone who feels resentment for a society that has left them behind - and left them feeling stupid, backward, ignorant, and ignored.

The worst kind of candidate to oppose him is the technocrat -- the teacher -- the scold. (Obama would no longer be a good candidate)

Today, the best kind of candidate is the nurturing mother - decent not depraved, firm but forgiving - cheerful not angry.

I would vote for my own dear mother -- but she's not running.

So instead, I hope that I can vote for Amy Klochubar in the general . (as a bonus --  she knows her way around Washington  and I don't think she opposes affordable care or responsibility for climate change).  Look at her interview videos -- she comes off as a lovable person.

In the primary - I will vote for her as well -- unless she's not second to Bernie by March 17.
(and if she deserves a vote, she'll have dropped out  by then if  not in second place)

It's very important to keep the Democratic party from falling  into the hands of resentful young people -- just like the Republican party succumbed to  resentful old people in 2016.

It’s even more important to remove DJT from office.  He is dangerous,  unscrupulous, malevolent,  and foolish.


Perhaps it's finally time for me to briefly discuss the political philosophy of Citizen Miller.

Most of my preferences would identify me as a left wing liberal:

* pro gun control
* pro climate change responsibility
* against corporate money in politics
* against all big money in politics
* pro mother's choice regarding abortion
* pro universal health care accessibility
* pro universal educational opportunities
* pro affirmative action in education and the economy.  American law, colonial and national, spent 250  years establishing a race-based underclass.   It can afford to spend another 250 years undoing it.
* pro separation of all religious institutions from all levels of every government (including the states of Israel and Saudi Arabia)


I have no more problem with capitalists than I do with any other profession.  Governments need to regulate them all for health, safety, and other public goods.  Micro-second investments - like the ones that our local artworld player,  Ken  Griffin, a billionaire - should be taxed until it's no longer profitable.

And I believe that the primary perpetrator of racism in the post civil rights  era, is poor young black people against themselves - abandoning hope for a better life, romanticizing criminality, abusing drugs, debasing sexuality, and  cultivating resentment. It is self  destructive foolishness, encouraged by popular entertainment and  left wing  ideology.

I am far more concerned with the well-being of those who enforce the laws than with those who break them.

I  am also more concerned with the well being of American citizens than with those who entered the country illegally.  I have no problem with sending them home - even if they have lived here for decades.  I also have no respect for the notion of "sanctuary cities". (though, I have to say that I  admire the courage of immigrants and many of my friends were born in China or Eastern Europe).  The ideology of open borders is not only an impractical fantasy -- it also continues to feed the popularity of the foremost politician to take a firm stance against it. And we know who that is.

I believe that all institutions - including schools and universities - are political and therefore improved by skepticism rather than loyalty.

I believe that journalism should be the public voice of even-handed  skepticism rather than partisan advocacy.  ( So  I am deeply disappointed when America's finest newspapers - especially the New York Times - abandon even the pretense of objectivity)

I recognize a profound difference between the broadcast of virtue and actually doing something good.

So mostly, I am politically incorrect.


After Super-Tuesday --- things have changed yet again.

Every single candidate whom I have liked has dropped out :  Hickenlooper,  Harris,   Booker, Klochubar, and finally,  Bloomberg.  Klochubar did not  disappoint me when she dropped out for the good of the country -- and I hope Bloomberg will not disappoint me and continue to fund the party that rejected him.

Sanders represents the very worst excesses of romantic left wing ideology.

Biden's only apparent virtue is benevolence.  But in 2020 -- that will suffice.

I'm voting for Biden.


SENATOR, U.S. 6 Year Term, Vote For 1
# Richard J. DurbinDemocratic21

  # Danny K. DavisDemocratic31
Kina CollinsDemocratic32
Anthony ClarkDemocratic33
Kristine SchanbacherDemocratic34

I won't spend any time contemplating these challengers.  Their campaigns are hopeless  unless Davis drops dead before the election.


Vote For 8

# Brandon Johnson (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic41 Jamie Brown (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic42 Frederick 'Fritz' Kaegi (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic43 Mony Ruiz Velasco (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic44 Marlon D. Harris (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic45 Harlene Ellin (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic46 Mihir Garud (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic47 Benetta Mansfield (Elizabeth Warren)Democratic48 Mary Ann Abbott (Andrew Yang)Democratic49 David Hernandez (Andrew Yang)Democratic50 Elizabeth Henricks (Andrew Yang)Democratic51 Steven Dyme (Andrew Yang)Democratic52 Yvonne O'Connor (Andrew Yang)Democratic53 Peter Wojda IV (Andrew Yang)Democratic54 Rudyard 'Rudy' Urian (Andrew Yang)Democratic55 Marty Castro (Pete Buttigieg)Democratic56 Eric Davis (Pete Buttigieg)Democratic57 Thomas Gary (Pete Buttigieg)Democratic58 Marla Izbicky (Pete Buttigieg)Democratic59 Amalia Mahoney (Pete Buttigieg)Democratic60 Cristal Thomas Gary (Pete Buttigieg)Democratic61 Melissa Conyears-Ervin (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic62 Pat Quinn (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic63 Emma M. Mitts (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic64 Brendan Reilly (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic65 Patricia Dowell (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic66 Rory Hoskins (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic67 Barbara McGowan (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic68 Marcelino Garcia (Joseph R. Biden)Democratic69 Claudia Moreno-Nunez (Bernie Sanders)Democratic70 Julie Lehrman (Bernie Sanders)Democratic71 Martese Luzette Chism (Bernie Sanders)Democratic72 Ojus Khanolkar (Bernie Sanders)Democratic73 Dominique Coronel (Bernie Sanders)Democratic74 Miguel Bautista (Bernie Sanders)Democratic75 Ronald Lawless (Bernie Sanders)Democratic76 Tim Thomas (Bernie Sanders)Democratic77

I'll vote for the following:

Barton Moy (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic78 Gail M. Silver (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic79 Joan L. Long (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic80 Addison Woodward (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic81 Ann Henstrand (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic82 Jennifer Vincent (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic83 Markayle Tolliver (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic84 Thomas A. (Tom) Ciavarella (Amy J. Klobuchar)Democratic85

STATE SENATOR, 4TH SENATE DISTRICT 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Kimberly A. LightfordDemocratic101


Sad to say, nobody is challenging our party hacks this time around.

COMMISSIONER, METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT 6 Year Term, Vote For 3 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Michael G. GraceDemocratic121 Mike CashmanDemocratic122 Frank AvilaDemocratic123 Heather BoyleDemocratic124 M Cameron 'Cam' DavisDemocratic125 Kimberly Neely DubucletDemocratic126 Eira L. Corral SepulvedaDemocratic127 Patricia Theresa FlynnDemocratic129 Shundar LinDemocratic131 Deyon DeanDemocratic132

Every year I  vote for the those with the highest technical credentials -- and every year my basement floods.  Go figure.

Chicago Tribune selects:



 Kim Foxx Democratic141
Bill Conway Democratic142
Donna More Democratic143
Bob Fioretti Democratic144

I can appreciate why Jussie Smollett should not be tried for sending the Chicago Police Dept. on a wild goose chase.  The State's Attorney's office is too understaffed to go after petty crimes.

But I don't understand why he was let off the hook without at least confessing and apologizing for his misbehavior. That feels like a real slap in the face of public servants and those they serve.

None of the above challengers excite me.  Usually this is a position for which I vote Republican anyway - to keep an eye on misbehaving Democrats.  But after the recent impeachment debacle, I can't imagine any decent officer of the court identifying as Republican. The party cannot sink any lower.   So the next  Cook County state's  attorney will have to be elected without my vote.

Except that -- I really don't want to be responsible for future bad choices made by Kim Foxx -- so I'll vote for rich-boy Conway

CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, COOK COUNTY 4 Year Term, Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Jacob MeisterDemocratic145 Iris Y. MartinezDemocratic146 Richard R. BoykinDemocratic147 Michael M. CabonargiDemocratic148

Judging from their appearance on  WTTW -- I'll go with Jacob Meister -- who wants to let plaintiffs file at any public library and eventually have the position selected by judges instead of the general public.  The electoral longevity of the last clerk being an example of why popular elections are dysfunctional here.

JUDGE, ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT (Vacancy of Freeman), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Jesse G ReyesDemocratic161 P. Scott Neville, Jr.Democratic162 Shelly A. HarrisDemocratic163 Cynthia Y. CobbsDemocratic164 Margaret Stanton McBrideDemocratic165 Daniel EpsteinDemocratic167 Nathaniel Roosevelt HowseDemocratic168


 JUDGE, ILLINOIS APPELLATE COURT, 1ST DISTRICT (Vacancy of Neville, Jr.), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Maureen Patricia O'LearyDemocratic171 Carolyn J. GallagherDemocratic172 Sandra Gisela RamosDemocratic173 Michael B. HymanDemocratic174

Will have to go with Hyman for experience and involvement

JUDGE, ILLINOIS APPELLATE COURT, 1ST DISTRICT (Vacancy of Simon), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # John GriffinDemocratic175 Sharon O. JohnsonDemocratic176

Griffin looks like the more serious candidate

JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Bellows), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Tiesha L. SmithDemocratic181 Cristin Keely McDonald DuffyDemocratic182 Kerrie Maloney LaytinDemocratic183


 JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Coghlan), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Kelly Marie McCarthyDemocratic184 Aileen BhandariDemocratic185 Elizabeth 'Beth' RyanDemocratic186 James T. Derico, Jr.Democratic187


 JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Ford), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # U. O'NealDemocratic188 Laura Ayala-GonzalezDemocratic189 John O'MearaDemocratic190 JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Funderburk), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Jacqueline Marie GriffinDemocratic191 Daniel L. CollinsDemocratic192 Mary Therese QuinnDemocratic193 Celestia L. MaysDemocratic194


JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Larsen), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Levander 'Van' Smith, Jr.Democratic195 Suzanne Therese McEneelyDemocratic196 Megan Kathleen MulayDemocratic197


JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Mason), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Arthur D. SuttonDemocratic198 Bonnie Carol McGrathDemocratic199 Jennifer Patricia CallahanDemocratic200 Chris StaceyDemocratic201 Joy E. Tolbert NelsonDemocratic202 Joseph ChicoDemocratic203

 JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of McCarthy), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Teresa MolinaDemocratic204 Michael O'MalleyDemocratic205

JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Murphy Gorman), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Sheree Desiree HenryDemocratic207 Dan WalshDemocratic208 Amanda 'Mandy' PillsburyDemocratic209 Keely Patricia HillisonDemocratic210

JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of O'Brien), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Elizabeth Anne WalshDemocratic211 Lloyd James BrooksDemocratic212 Heather Anne KentDemocratic213

JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Patti), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Lynn Weaver BoyleDemocratic214.

 JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of Roti), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Lorraine Mary MurphyDemocratic215 James Patrick CrawleyDemocratic216 Araceli Reyes De La CruzDemocratic217

JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of C. Sheehan), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Deidre BaumannDemocratic219 Maura McMahon ZellerDemocratic220 Russell W. HartiganDemocratic221

JUDGE, COOK COUNTY JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (Vacancy of K. Sheehan), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Jill Rose QuinnDemocratic222 James Samuel WorleyDemocratic223 Wendelin 'Wendi' DeLoachDemocratic224

 JUDGE, 7TH COOK COUNTY SUBCIRCUIT (Vacancy of Jackson), Vote For 1 CANDIDATE NAMEPARTYBALLOT # Owens 'Joe' ShelbyDemocratic231 Marcia O'Brien ConwayDemocratic232 Pamela Reaves-HarrisDemocratic233 Mable TaylorDemocratic234 Kristen Marie LyonsDemocratic235

I'm with the recommendations of the State Bar Association - except I'll vote for young Daniel Epstein based on opinions of friends who know more about him